Hello World

Welcome to my personal page!

EtRussoMy name is Elena Tea Russo.
I am a PhD candidate at SISSA, in Trieste (Italy); i am working on Computational Biophysics, Sequence Analysis and Data Analysis.
I’ve been studying Physics in Trieste, in Bologna (Italy), and in Loughborough (UK).
I am a Student Representative and a member of ADI (PhDs’ and PhD candidates’ in Italy Organization, Associazione dei Dottorandi e Dottori di Ricerca in Italia.)
If you want to know me better, feel free to navigate this website.  You can send me an e-mail: I like e-mails! But if you prefer socials, you can find me on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram too.
If you are searching for something more professional, check my LinkedIn and ResearchGate.
GitLab coming soon.

Once a friend of mine told me:

There are two kind of people: tower-like people and omelette-like peopole. A tower-like person tends to specialize, while an omelette-like person tends to explore different fileds. We are two omelettes, arent’we?

She was right! I am an omelette: I am basically curious about everything. Science? Soccer? Theatre? Languages? The best car hi-fi you can find on Amazon? I’d like to listen about all of this – on some topics I am just a bit more prepared.

My main fields are Physics, Complex Systems, Data Analysis and Scientific Programming: my PhD research relies on these knowledges, but in the process I am learning more about Biophysics, Bioinformatics, High Performance Computing, Networks and Stochastic Processes.
I am working also on Scientific Communication and I am very interested in Epistemology, Philosophy and Teaching.

Moreover, I’ve been writing since I was able to (in Italian), and my secret dream is to become a novel writer. Well, I have a huge quantity of secret dreams, dreaming is an important thing.

If you want to know more, you can read the About Me page.